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I'll be as quick as I can

  • 1 quick

    1. adjective
    1) (done, said, finished etc in a short time: a quick trip into town.) rápido
    2) (moving, or able to move, with speed: He's a very quick walker; I made a grab at the dog, but it was too quick for me.) rápido
    3) (doing something, able to do something, or done, without delay; prompt; lively: He is always quick to help; a quick answer; He's very quick at arithmetic.) rápido

    2. adverb
    (quickly: quick-frozen food.) de prisa, rápido, rápidamente
    - quicken
    - quickness
    - quicklime
    - quicksands
    - quicksilver
    - quick-tempered
    - quick-witted
    - quick-wittedly
    - quick-wittedness

    quick adj rápido
    be quick! ¡date prisa!
    1 (fast) rápido,-a
    be quick or you'll miss it! ¡rápido o lo perderás!, ¡date prisa o lo perderás!
    2 (clever) espabilado,-a, despierto,-a, listo,-a
    as quick as lightning como un rayo, como una bala
    quick march! SMALLMILITARY/SMALL ¡de frente!
    to be quick on the uptake captar algo en seguida
    to be quick to anger tener mal genio
    to be quick to take offence enfadarse por nada
    to cut somebody to the quick herir a alguien en lo vivo
    to have a quick one familiar echar un trago, tomar una copita
    to have a quick temper tener un genio vivo
    quick ['kwɪk] adv
    : rápidamente
    quick adj
    1) rapid: rápido
    2) alert, clever: listo, vivo, agudo
    a quick temper : un genio vivo
    1) flesh: carne f viva
    to cut someone to the quick : herir a alguien en lo más vivo
    agudo, -a adj.
    diligente adj.
    fino, -a adj.
    largo, -a adj.
    listo, -a adj.
    presto, -a adj.
    presuroso, -a adj.
    pronto, -a adj.
    rápido, -a adj.
    veloz adj.
    vivo, -a adj.
    ágil adj.
    pronto adv.
    carne viva s.f.

    I kwɪk
    adjective quicker, quickest
    a) ( speedy) <action/movement> rápido

    I'll be as quick as I canvolveré (or lo haré etc) lo más rápido que pueda

    OK, but make it quick — bueno, pero rápido or date prisa or (AmL tb) apúrate

    to be quick on one's feet — tener* buenos reflejos

    b) ( brief) (before n, no comp) <calculation/question> rápido; < nod> breve
    d) ( prompt)
    e) ( clever)

    adverb quicker, quickest rápido, rápidamente

    come quickven corriendo or rápido

    quick, hide in here — rápido or corre, escóndete aquí

    as quick as you canlo más rápido or deprisa que puedas

    noun ( flesh) (+ sing vb)

    the quick: her nails were bitten to the quick tenía las uñas en carne viva de mordérselas; to cut somebody to the quick — herir* a alguien en lo más vivo

    1. ADJ
    (compar quicker) (superl quickest)
    1) (=fast) [method, movement] rápido

    be quick! — ¡rápido!, ¡date prisa!, ¡apúrate! (LAm)

    his opponents were quick to point out that... — sus adversarios señalaron rápidamente que...

    and be quick about it! — ¡y date prisa!, ¡y apúrate! (LAm)

    quick march! — (Mil) ¡marchando, ar!

    at a quick pacea un paso rápido

    he made a quick recoveryse recuperó rápidamente

    to have a quick tempertener un genio vivo

    he's a quick worker — trabaja rápido, es un trabajador rápido

    draw 1., 4), mark II, 1., 6), uptake
    2) (=with minimal delay) [answer, decision] rápido

    we are hoping for a quick end to the bloodshed — esperamos que el derramamiento de sangre acabe pronto

    a quick fixuna solución fácil

    the price has been reduced for a quick salehan reducido el precio para venderlo pronto

    3) (=not lengthy) [meal] rápido

    he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek — me dio un besito en la mejilla

    let's have a quick look at that *déjame echarle un vistazo rápido a eso

    to have a quick one *(=drink) tomarse un trago

    can I have a quick word (with you)? — ¿puedo hablar un segundo contigo?, ¿podemos hablar un segundo?

    4) (=sharp) [person] listo; [wit] agudo; [mind, reflexes] ágil, rápido

    he is very quick at maths — es muy rápido para las matemáticas

    to have a quick eye for sth — captar or coger algo al vuelo

    2. N
    1) (Anat)

    the quick, her nails were bitten down to the quick — se había mordido las uñas hasta dejárselas como muñones

    - cut sb to the quick
    2) ††
    ADV deprisa, rápido

    quick! — ¡deprisa!, ¡rápido!


    quick thinking Nreacción f rápida

    * * *

    I [kwɪk]
    adjective quicker, quickest
    a) ( speedy) <action/movement> rápido

    I'll be as quick as I canvolveré (or lo haré etc) lo más rápido que pueda

    OK, but make it quick — bueno, pero rápido or date prisa or (AmL tb) apúrate

    to be quick on one's feet — tener* buenos reflejos

    b) ( brief) (before n, no comp) <calculation/question> rápido; < nod> breve
    d) ( prompt)
    e) ( clever)

    adverb quicker, quickest rápido, rápidamente

    come quickven corriendo or rápido

    quick, hide in here — rápido or corre, escóndete aquí

    as quick as you canlo más rápido or deprisa que puedas

    noun ( flesh) (+ sing vb)

    the quick: her nails were bitten to the quick tenía las uñas en carne viva de mordérselas; to cut somebody to the quick — herir* a alguien en lo más vivo

    English-spanish dictionary > quick

  • 2 quick

    I. 1. бърз, пъргав
    to have a QUICK lunch обядвам набързо
    be QUICK (about it) бързайте, не се бавете, по-живо
    the QUICKest way there най-краткият път до там
    2. бърз, схватлив, жив, остър, пъргав (за ум, сетива и пр.)
    QUICK temper сприхав нрав, избухливост
    QUICK to understand схватлив, интелигентен
    QUICK of foot бързоног
    QUICK to sympathize отзивчив
    3. ост. жив
    QUICK with child ост. в напреднала бременност
    to have a QUICK one разг. пийвам (по едно) набързо
    II. 1. живец, живо месо, чувствително място (и прен.)
    to cut/hurt/sting/touch/wound to the QUICK дълбоко засягам
    to bite one's nails to the QUICK гризя/изгризвам си ноктите дълбоко/до живеца
    English to the QUICK англичанин до мозъка на костите
    2. the QUICK рl ост. живите
    III. adv бързо, скоро
    as QUICK as lightning/thought светкавично бързо, в миг
    * * *
    {kwik} а 1. бърз, пъргав; to have a quick lunch обядвам набързо; be(2) {kwik} n 1. живец; живо месо; чувствително място (и прен.);{3} {kwik} adv бързо; скоро; as quick as lightning/thought светкави
    * * *
    остър; бърз; пъргав; жив; живец; краткотраен; кратковременен;
    * * *
    1. as quick as lightning/thought светкавично бързо, в миг 2. be quick (about it) бързайте, не се бавете, по-живо 3. english to the quick англичанин до мозъка на костите 4. i. бърз, пъргав 5. ii. живец, живо месо, чувствително място (и прен.) 6. iii. adv бързо, скоро 7. quick of foot бързоног 8. quick temper сприхав нрав, избухливост 9. quick to sympathize отзивчив 10. quick to understand схватлив, интелигентен 11. quick with child ост. в напреднала бременност 12. the quick рl ост. живите 13. the quickest way there най-краткият път до там 14. to bite one's nails to the quick гризя/изгризвам си ноктите дълбоко/до живеца 15. to cut/hurt/sting/touch/wound to the quick дълбоко засягам 16. to have a quick lunch обядвам набързо 17. to have a quick one разг. пийвам (по едно) набързо 18. бърз, схватлив, жив, остър, пъргав (за ум, сетива и пр.) 19. ост. жив
    * * *
    quick [kwik] I. adj 1. бърз, пъргав; краткотраен, кратковременен; a \quick walk бърз ход; разходка с бърз ход; as \quick as lightning ( thought, a flash, a wink) светкавично бързо, като светкавица; за миг; be \quick ( about it)! бързай(те), не се бави (бавете)! \quick! хайде, по-живо! to be \quick about ( over) s.th. правя нещо бързо; the \quickest way there най-краткият път дотам; in \quick succession бързо едно след друго, на малки интервали; 2. бърз, схватлив; жив; остър (за сетивата, ума); he is \quick ( on the uptake) той лесно схваща (учи); \quick temper сприхав нрав, раздразнителност; \quick to criticize недоволен; който бърза да търси кусури; \quick of foot бързоног; \quick of belief лековерен; 3. ост. жив; the \quick and the dead живите и мъртвите; a \quick hedge жив плет; 4. ост., лит.: \quick with child бременна, в напреднала бременност; a \quick trick карти сигурна взятка; a \quick one разг. едно бързо питие, една чашка набързо; II. n живец, живо месо, чувствително място; to cut ( hurt, sting, touch, wound) s.o. to the \quick прен. дълбоко засягам някого; III. adv бързо; run as \quick as you can тичай колкото ти държат краката, с всички сили; please come \quick моля, ела бързо.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > quick

  • 3 quick

    adj. (-er, -est) 1. хурдан, түргэн. \quick step хурдан алхаа. 2. хурдан, шаламгай, гавшгай. a \quickworker гавшгай ажилчин. 3. сэргэлэн, цовоо. 4. \quick (at sth) хурц, гярхай, хэрсүү. \quick wit хурц ухаантай байх. His spelling is poor but he`s very \quick at figure. Тэр зөв бичих зүйдээ тааруухан ч тооны хичээлд тун сүрхий юм. 5. сэтгэлийн хөдөлгөөн ихтэй, огцом ууртай. She`s always very \quick to take offence. Тэр сав л хийвэл гомдож орхидог юм. (as) quick as a flash; (as) quick as lighting цахилгаан мэт түргэн, маш хурдан. make a fast/ quick buck хурдан хугацаанд мөнгө олох. quick on the draw 1. түргэн ойлгоцтой, хариу түргэнтэй. 2. ойворгон. quick on uptake ойлгоц түргэн. adv. (-er, -est) хурдан, түргэн. Come as \quick as you can. Чи аль болох түргэн хүрээд ирээч. cut sb to the quick сэтгэл санаагаар унагах, урмыг нь хугалах. quickly adv. түргэн, хурдан. You speak very \quick. Та тун хурдан ярьж байна. quickness n. 1. хурд, хурдан хөдөлгөөн. 2. гярхай, хэрсүү. quick-fire adj. түргэн, яаруу. quick-tempered adj. огцом ууртай. quick-witted adj. гүйлгээ ухаантай, түргэн ойлгоцтой.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > quick

  • 4 quick

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > quick

  • 5 can

    [kæn] n բիդոն. թիթեղյա աման. պահածոյի տուփ. պահածո. garbage can աղբարկղ
    [kæn, kən] v կարողանալ, ի վի ճա կի լինել. if I can եթե կարող եմ/կարողանամ. as quick as you can որքան կարող ես արագ. (հնարավորություն, անհավանա կա նություն) Where can it be? Որտե՞ղ այն կարող է լինել. It can’t be true Անհնարին է, չի կարող պա տահել. I can’t imagine Չեմ կարող պատկերացնել. You can’t mean that Անհնարին է, դու դա նկատի չունես. can but համենայն դեպս, միայն. It can’t be helped Ոչինչ չի կարելի անել. I can’t but … Չեմ կարող … I can’t help doing smth Չեմ կարող չանել (ինչոր բան). (խնդրանք) can/Could you open the door? Դուռը բացեք, խնդրեմ. Դուռը չէի՞ք բացի. can I speak to Mary? Կարո՞ղ եմ Մերիի հետ խոսել. (թույլտվություն) You can’t smoke here Այս տեղ չի կարելի ծխել. You can go now Այժմ կարող ես գնալ. (ընդհանրացում) She can be very rude Նա կարող է շատ կոպիտ լինել. It can be very cold here Այստեղ շատ ցուրտ է լինում. You could try phoning Կարելի է փորձել զանգահարել
    [kæn] v պահածոյացնել

    English-Armenian dictionary > can

  • 6 quick

    quick [kwɪk]
    (a) (rapid) rapide; (easy → profits) rapide, facile;
    he's a quick worker il travaille vite; figurative il ne perd pas de temps;
    be quick (about it)! faites vite!, dépêchez-vous!;
    I need a quick answer j'ai besoin d'une réponse rapide;
    to have a quick look jeter un rapide coup d'œil;
    can I have a quick word? est-ce que je peux vous parler un instant?;
    we had a quick lunch nous avons déjeuné sur le pouce;
    familiar let's have a quick one or a quick drink prenons un verre en vitesse ;
    she did the job in double quick time elle a fait le travail en deux temps, trois mouvements ou en un rien de temps;
    the questions came in quick succession les questions se sont succédé à un rythme très rapide;
    quick crossword mots mpl croisés faciles;
    quick march marche f rapide ou au pas accéléré;
    (as) quick as lightning or as a flash rapide ou vif comme l'éclair
    (b) (sharp) alerte, éveillé, vif;
    he is quick to learn il apprend vite;
    she has a quick ear elle a l'oreille fine;
    she has a quick eye for detail aucun détail ne lui échappe;
    thanks to his quick eye for bargains grâce au chic qu'il a pour dénicher ou pour faire de bonnes affaires;
    I was quick to notice the difference j'ai tout de suite remarqué la différence;
    she's too quick for me elle est trop rapide pour moi;
    she's quick on the uptake elle comprend vite;
    British they were very quick off the mark ils n'ont pas perdu de temps;
    he wasn't exactly quick off the mark when it came to ordering drinks il était plutôt lent à la détente quand il s'agissait de commander les boissons
    (c) (hasty → judgment) hâtif, rapide;
    he has a quick temper il s'emporte facilement;
    he is quick to take offence il est prompt à s'offenser, il se vexe pour un rien
    or literary to be quick with child être dans un état de grossesse assez avancé
    familiar rapidement ;
    as quick as possible aussi vite que possible;
    come quick! venez vite!;
    to get rich quick s'enrichir rapidement
    3 noun
    his nails were bitten to the quick il s'était rongé les ongles jusqu'au sang;
    her remark cut him to the quick sa remarque l'a piqué au vif
    the quick and the dead les vivants mpl et les morts mpl
    ►► Accountancy quick assets liquidités fpl, actif m liquide;
    quick fix solution f miracle;
    Computing quick launch bar barre f de lancement rapide;
    Accountancy quick ratio ratio m de liquidité immédiate

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > quick

  • 7 quick as greased lightning

     очень быстро
     Jane can really run. She’s as quick as greased lightning.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > quick as greased lightning

  • 8 quick

    /kwik/ * danh từ - thịt mềm (dưới móng tay, móng chân, trong vết thương) - tâm can, ruột gan; chỗ nhạy cảm nhất =the insult stung him to the quick+ lời lăng mạ làm anh đau nhói tâm can =to cut (touch) to the quick+ chạm vào chỗ nhạy cảm nhất, chạm nọc - (the quick) (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) những người còn sống =the quick and the dead+ những người còn sống và những người đã chết !to the quick - đến tận xương tuỷ =to be a radical to the quick+ là người cấp tiến đến tận xương tuỷ, là người cấp tiến trăm phần trăm * tính từ - nhanh, mau =a quick train+ chuyến xe lửa (tốc hành) nhanh =be quick+ nhanh lên - tinh, sắc, thính =a quick eye+ mắt tinh =a quick ear+ tai thính - tính linh lợi, hoạt bát, nhanh trí, sáng trí =a quick mind+ trí óc linh lợi =a quick child+ một em bé sáng trí =quick to understand+ tiếp thu nhanh - nhạy cảm, dễ =to be quick to take offence+ dễ phật lòng, dễ giận =to be quick of temper+ dễ nổi nóng, nóng tánh - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) sống =to be with quick child; to be quick with child+ có mang sắp đến ngày sinh (thai đã đạp ở trong bụng) =quick hedge+ hàng rào cây xanh !let's have a quick one - chúng ta uống nhanh một cốc đi * phó từ - nhanh =don't speak so quick+ đừng nói nhanh thế

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > quick

  • 9 quick

    adj. çabuk, hızla, hızlı, şipşak, seri, tez, atik, hazır, kıvrak, keskin, süratli, hassas, canlı, yaşayan, hayat dolu, alevli (ateş), sıcak (ocak), madenli
    adv. çabucak, hızla
    n. canlı, tırnak altındaki hassas et, can alıcı nokta, can evi, öz, civa [amer.]
    * * *
    * * *
    [kwik] 1. adjective
    1) (done, said, finished etc in a short time: a quick trip into town.) çabuk
    2) (moving, or able to move, with speed: He's a very quick walker; I made a grab at the dog, but it was too quick for me.) hızlı
    3) (doing something, able to do something, or done, without delay; prompt; lively: He is always quick to help; a quick answer; He's very quick at arithmetic.) çabuk
    2. adverb
    (quickly: quick-frozen food.) çabuk, çabucak
    - quicken
    - quickness
    - quicklime
    - quicksands
    - quicksilver
    - quick-tempered
    - quick-witted
    - quick-wittedly
    - quick-wittedness

    English-Turkish dictionary > quick

  • 10 quick

    [kwik] adj., adv. - adj. i menjëhershëm, i shpejt, i gjallë, i mprehtë, i butë, i zgjuar, i ngathët, i ndërprerë / adv. shpejt, vrik / ( Positive quick, Comparative quicker, Superlative quickest)
    quick bread ['kwik bred] n. bukë/biskota me brumë që vjen në cast
    quick-freeze ['kwik fri:z] vt. fus (ushqimet) në ngrirje të shpejtë
    quickie ['kwiki] n. gj.fol. 1. gjë e bërë shpejt-e-shpejt. 2. pyetje-rrufe. 3. gotë e kthyer rrëmbimthi. 4. kin. dokumentar/film i shkurtëri xhiruar shpejt-e-shpejt
    quicklime ['kwiklaim] n. gëlqere e pashuar
    quickly ['kwikli] adv. shpejt; vrik; me ngut; pa vonesë, në cast; as quickly as you can sa të mundesh më shpejt
    quick march! ['kwik ma:ç] n. usht. për marshim, para!
    quickness ['kwiknis] n 1. shpejtësi. 2. mprehtësi (e mendjes, shikimit etj)
    quicksand ['kwiksænd] n. rëra të lëvizshme; rërë thithëse
    quickset ['kwikset] n. bimë (murriz etj) e mbjellë për gardh; gardh me bimë
    quick-setting ['kwik'seting] adj. me mpiksje/ngrirje të shpejtë (pelte, çimento)
    quicksilver ['kwiksilvë:] n., adj. -n. zhivë /-adj. fig. tepër i gjallë, zhivë (temperament)
    quickstep ['kwikstep] n 1. fokstrot (vallëzim). 2. hap i shpejtë; hap marshimi
    quick-tempered ['kwik'tempë:d] adj. idhnak, zemërak, nevrik, çakmak
    quick time ['kwik taim] n. ecje e shpejtë (rreth 5,5 km/orë)
    quickwater ['kwik'wotë:] n. rrymë, pjesë lumi me rrymë
    quick-witted ['kwik'witid] adj. mendjehollë, mendjemprehtë; hazërxhevap
    quicken ['kwikën] v 1. shpejtoj (hapin); shpejtohet (pulsi); the pace quickened ritmi u shpejtua. 2. fig. zgjoj, ngjall; zgjohet, ngjallet (interesi); nxis; nxitet; hap; hapet (oreksi)
    * * *

    English-Albanian dictionary > quick

  • 11 quick

    1. तेज़
    He was quick to make friends
    He has a quick mind.
    She made a quick decision
    I will have a quick look at the book.
    2. फुर्तीला
    He is very quick with his work and finishes it in short time.
    1. फुर्ती\quickसे
    Run as quick and catch me if you can
    1. हस्तांगुलि\quickके\quickअध:\quickभाग
    Pricking with a pin on the quick of a finger is painful

    English-Hindi dictionary > quick

  • 12 quick-change

    ˈkwɪktʃeɪndʒ прил. быстро меняющий( костюмы, внешний вид - об артисте) ;
    легко переоборудуемый, быстросменяемый quick-change parts ≈ сменные части quick-change artist ≈ артист-трансформатор быстро меняющий (грим, костюмы и т. п.) - a * artist актер-трансформатор быстросменный;
    легко переоборудуемый - * parts сменные части - * passenger planes that can be converted for cargo in a matter of minutes пассажирские самолеты, которые очень быстро можно переоборудовать в грузовые /транспортные/ quick-change: ~ artist трансформатор (артист) quick-change: ~ artist трансформатор (артист)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > quick-change

  • 13 quick-change

    [͵kwıkʹtʃeındʒ] a
    1) быстро меняющий (грим, костюмы и т. п.)
    2) быстросменный; легко переоборудуемый

    quick-change parts [cutting tools] - сменные части [режущие инструменты]

    quick-change passenger planes that can be converted for cargo in a matter of minutes - пассажирские самолёты, которые очень быстро можно переоборудовать в грузовые /транспортные/

    НБАРС > quick-change

  • 14 Quick Tabs

    "A user interface element that provides users with a quick and easy way to navigate across a large group of opened Web pages by providing the user with a visual representation of all of the opened thumbnails. Through this visualization, the user can easily spot and select a desired thumbnail."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Quick Tabs

  • 15 Quick Parts gallery

    A gallery to which users can add reusable content to be displayed in Quick Parts and the Building Blocks Organizer.

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Quick Parts gallery

  • 16 can

    "1. soul. 2. life. 3. person, individual. 4. energy, zeal, vigor; vitality, strength. 5. dervish orders brother, friend; disciple. 6. dear, lovable. -ım 1. darling, honey, my dear. 2. my dear fellow; my dear lady (often used in reproach or objection). 3. precious, lovely. -ı acımak to feel pain. -ına acımamak to live without thinking of one´s own comfort. - acısı acute pain. -ını acıtmak /ın/ to cause (someone) acute pain. -ı ağzına gelmek to be frightened to death. - alacak nokta/yer the crucial point. - alıp can vermek to be in agony; to be in great distress. -ını almak /ın/ to kill. - arkadaşı close companion, intimate friend. - atmak /a/ to desire strongly, want badly. -ını bağışlamak /ın/ to spare (someone´s) life. - baş üstüne! I´ll do it gladly!/Gladly! -la başla çalışmak to put one´s heart into a job, work with determination and enthusiasm. - benim canım, çıksın elin canı. colloq. I´ll look out for number one. - beslemek to feed oneself well. -ından bezmek/bıkmak/usanmak to be tired of living. - boğazdan gelir/geçer. proverb One cannot live without food. - borcunu ödemek to die. -ı burnuna gelmek 1. to be overwhelmed with trouble. 2. to be fed up. -ı burnunda olmak to be worn out, be exhausted. - cana, baş başa everyone for himself. -a can katmak to delight greatly, increase one´s pleasure. -ı cehenneme! To hell with him! -ını cehenneme göndermek /ın/ colloq. to kill. -ım ciğerim my darling. - çabası the struggle to support oneself. -ı çekilmek to feel exhausted. - çekişmek to be dying in agony. -ı/gönlü çekmek /ı/ to long (for). -ını çıkarmak /ın/ 1. to wear out, tire. 2. to wear (something) out. -ı çıkasıca/çıksın! May the devil take him! -ı çıkmak 1. to die. 2. to get very tired. 3. to get worn out. - çıkmayınca/çıkmadıkça/çıkar huy çıkmaz. proverb People never change. - damarı vital point, most sensitive spot. - damarına basmak /ın/ to touch on the most sensitive spot of (someone, something). -ını (bir yere) dar atmak just barely to make it to (a safe place). - dayanmamak /a/ to be intolerable. -ına değmek /ın/ 1. to please greatly. 2. to cause joy to the spirit (of a deceased person). - derdine düşmek to struggle for one´s life. “-ım” dese “canın çıksın” diyor sanmak to hear “darling” and understand “damn you.” - direği sound post (of a violin). -ını dişine takmak to make a great effort, put one´s back into it, go all out, give it one´s all. - dostu dear friend. -ına düşkün (one) who takes good care of himself. - düşmanı mortal enemy. - evi 1. the upper part of the belly. 2. heart. 3. the vital spot. - evinden vurmak /ı/ to attack (a person) where he is most sensitive and vulnerable. -ına ezan okumak /ın/ slang to kill, destroy. - feda! Wonderful!/Superb! -dan geçmek to give up the ghost. -ına geçmek/ işlemek/kâr etmek /ın/ to touch (someone) to the quick. - gelmek /a/ to be refreshed, revive. -ı gelip gitmek to have fainting spells. -ı gitmek to worry about the safety and well-being of someone or something. - halatı naut. life line. - havliyle in a desperate attempt to save one´s life. -ımın içi my darling. -ının içine sokacağı gelmek /ı/ to feel a strong wave of love (for). -ı ile oynamak to do dangerous things. -ı istemek /ı/ to desire. -ın isterse. If you like./I don´t care. - kalmamak /da/ to have all the life drained out (of). -a kasıt law intent to murder. -ına kastetmek /ın/ to plot against (someone´s) life. - kaygısına düşmek to fight for one´s life. -ına kıymak 1. /ın/ to kill without pity. 2. to commit suicide. 3. to wear oneself out. - korkusu fear of death. - kulağı ile dinlemek to be all ears; /ı/ to listen intently (to). - kurban! colloq. How wonderful! -ını kurtarmak 1. to save one´s life. 2. /ın/ to save (someone´s) life. - kurtaran yok mu! Help!/Save me! -ına/-ıma minnet! colloq. What more could one want!/So much the better! -ına okumak /ın/ 1. to harass. 2. to destroy, ruin. - pahasına at the risk of one´s life, a

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > can

  • 17 Quick Launch

    "A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Quick Launch

  • 18 Quick Launch toolbar

    "A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Quick Launch toolbar

  • 19 can alıcı nokta

    n. the most sensitive spot, tender spot, epicenter, epicentre [Brit.], epicentrum, quick

    Turkish-English dictionary > can alıcı nokta

  • 20 can alıcı noktadan

    adv. to the quick

    Turkish-English dictionary > can alıcı noktadan

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